Saturday 4 December 2010

The Tate Movie Project

The idea of the Tate Movie Project is fantastic; to get kids to contribute their ideas to an animated movie. They'll create every bit of the film, from drawing the characters to writing the plot and recording the sound effects. The site, built by Aardman Digital, takes the form of a film studio beautifully illustrated by Robin Davey. You can go to different departments to make various aspects of the film and you will be guided around the set by the crew; characters developed and animated by the ever-so talented Felix Massie.

My role as lead flash developer was to put together all of the beautifully crafted bits and bobs to make them work as a microsite whilst maintaining the subtlety inherent within the design.

I also built the tools that allow the kids to play around with, or submit their ideas and creations to the film. They can write scripts, make their own animations, record sound effects, send in pictures.  They can also save their ideas and add to them later before getting them just right so they can be submitted to the director for inclusion in movie.

There are loads of hidden treats waiting to be discovered within the rooms and awards to be won for finding them. One example is that you can knock musical dandruff out of the composers hair, pick it up  drag it to a stave which will start to play the music you are creating.

I am very proud to be a part of the team that put this site together, why not take a visit and look around.

Oh and BTW this recently won a BIMA award for best website.

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